Features & Specifications
Relay Control Panels deliver power and performance in compact and cost-effective 8-circuit and 16/24-circuit models. Relay Control Panels are the ideal solution for smaller, stand-alone applications that do not require the field configuation or advanced networking features.
The Relay Control Panel switching circuit offers an unprecidented 1,000,000 cycle life for unmatched durability. For maximum equipment protection, the standard 30A latching relay card has a short circuit current rating (SCCR) of 18,000A to allow it to withstand highter current inrushes caused by short circuit conditions. Low-voltage inputs allow connection of photocells, occupancy sensors, low-voltage switches and digital switches for a comprehensive yet easily installed energy managment solution.
Designed in compact, 13” x 13” (8-circuit model) standard electrical enclosure, Relay Control Panels are engineered to be contractor friendly, quick to install and simple to configure.