Quick Control Simple Motion Sensor


The QCMS35 quick control simple motion sensor is designed for use with fixtures integrated with the QCR35 quick control 3.5mm receptacle. The sensor uses PIR detection technology and advanced optics to provide an exceptional field of view for mounting heights up to 40ft. The sensor detects motion and turns lights on when an occupant passes in or out of the sensor zone. The lights remain on as long as the occupant moves through the sensor zones. When motion is no longer detected the sensor will turn off the lights after a timeout period.  The sensor uses a minor motion feature to detect small body movements which allows the lights to stay on when individuals in the space are nearly stationary. The major motion feature exhibits a lesser degree of sensitivity requiring larger movements. Configuration is made using dial switches located on the back of the sensor allowing the user to manually program the device. The QCMS35 can also be programmed utilizing the QCREM which can be ordered separately as an accessory device.

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