Getting On Board with Product Evolution

Getting On Board with Product Evolution

Many products have become "smart." A great example is vacuum cleaners, they have sensors that tell you when a canister needs to be emptied or automatically adjust to the floor surface. Fully autmoated...
Conformal Coatings Basics

Conformal Coatings Basics

Conformal coatings are a protective coating that covers the components of a Printed Circuit Board (PCB), or PCB Assembly (PCBA).   While it is simple to say that you want to protect a board, here are...
9 Tips for Effective PCB Assembly Testing

9 Tips for Effective PCB Assembly Testing

Testing your printed circuit board assembly is a balancing act.  You want to maximize the coverage of the test without making it cost prohibitive and bogging down the production process.  Having a...
Dealing with Manufacturing Hurdles

Dealing with Manufacturing Hurdles

With the impact of the pandemic across the globe, consumers and manufacturers are both feeling the pinch of the decreasing availability of products and services.  For example, I wanted to upgrade a...
Bird’s-eye View of Our Columbus, Ohio Manufacturing Facility

Bird’s-eye View of Our Columbus, Ohio Manufacturing Facility

Enjoy a bird's-eye view of our Columbus, Ohio manufacturing facility! ADL Technology specializes in designing and building printed circuit board assemblies. If you're looking to reshore your PCB...
Partnerships, an enlightened approach to working with clients

Partnerships, an enlightened approach to working with clients

Looking for a partner (instead of just a vendor) for your next project ? Contact ADL for your next PCB project or to reshore a current job. Often we speak of "the voice of the customer."  This is...