Customer Video Assistant

We’re excited to introduce our new Customer Video Assistant (CVA), allowing customers to video call our experts to address maintenance concerns in a faster and more convenient way.

Instead of having to wait for a technician to arrive when a maintenance concern arises, customers can now reach out to JSI with their issue through the CVA and speak directly to one of our fixture technicians to quickly resolve the issue.


Faster Issue Resolution

Real-time support calls enable JSI’s support team to quickly diagnose problems, provide accurate solutions, and reduce downtime for displays.


Customers can easily connect with JSI’s technical support team from anywhere using a mobile device, eliminating the wait for an in-person technician and ensuring their operations continue to run smoothly.

Cost Savings

CVA often replaces the need for an on-site visit, saving time and money for the customer.

How it works:

Step 1: Initiation

Technical support receives notice of a customer issue, either directly from the customer or from a contractor working on a refrigerated fixture. 


Following initiation, a technical support agent will send an access link to the customer. Once the connection is made with an available agent, a web browser page is launched connecting the receiver’s device to the technical support agent.

Step 3: CVA Live View

cva live view

Once connection is made, the technical support agent can communicate via audio with the receiver during the entire session. The agent can also overlay the feed with drawings, calling out or pointing to certain areas they would like the receiver to focus on.

Step 4: Providing a Solution

Once JSI’s technical support agent reviews the issue, they will either provide an immediate solution or assist in escalating the issue.

Our goal with CVA is:

• First-call resolution where the problem is identified and immediately rectified.

• If follow up repair or contractor work is necessary, we are better prepared to ensure the repair technician has the correct tools, parts, and information necessary to complete the repair during the first service appointment.


Want more information or have a question for us? Let us know! We're here to help.